Breed Information about Dachshunds


Some experts think that the Dachshund dates back to antiquity and was depicted in Eqyptian Reliefs.  While that may be true, it is widely accepted that the Germans were largely responsible for the development of the dog we know today.  Some type of field spaniel and a terrier were likely bred to the smooth to produce the long coat and the wire coat.  Their unique shape was developed to search for their quarry, the  badger.  "Dachshund" translated means "Badger Hound." Hunters of that day used the Dachshund to keep the number of badgers in check while today's hunters use the Dachshund in a variety of settings.  His hunting spirit and good nose, loud tongue and distinctive build make him suitable for below-ground work and for beating the  bush.  His keen nose gives him an advantage over many other  breeds for trailing. Today, Dachshunds can be seen in many AKC sanctioned activities, such as Earthdog, Agility, Tracking, Obedience, Field Trails and Conformation.  In addition, some are involved in pet therapy work while others have been trained as drug sniffing dogs by the police.

General Appearance

According to the standard, "The Dachshund is low to the ground, long in body and short of leg with ro bust muscles and elastic, pliable skin."  The Dachshund is bred in two sizes, which are defined by weight.  The standard Dachshund ranges in weight from 16-32 pounds and the miniature Dachshund weighs 11 pounds and under.  In addition, he is bred in three coat v varieties, the smooth (short hair), the long hair (long silky coat), and the wire (a dense wiry coat).  His small to medium size makes him particularly suited for small yards and apartment living.


The Dachshund is clever, lively and courageous.  He is affectionate and loving to his family.  The Dachshund craves being the center of all family activities, and he is not a dog well suited to being an outside pet.  The Dachshund is protective of his environment and may bark when he senses a potential threat.

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